The tale of a pirate loving kook… in pictures.


I’m fine

True story… sort of.

Okay, firstly, I would normally (now anyway) sort of spruce these up better… I just cba cause it was on lined paper and there was so much to do that all I did was make it black and white and slightly clean it up…

Okay to explain. During holiday I was eating a croissant, I started to cough a lot, like above… and when my mother and sister were asking what’s up, I’d just reply with “I’m fine.” it didn’t go to the point of death, but yeah, wouldn’t be a good comic otherwise.

I also cannot draw females… well, draw females and not make them look like men, or draw their face… I r sucktastic 😀

Never got sports

During my recent holiday my brother and father went to a sports bar to watch a football game. I decided to go along for lulz… turns out I really don’t get sports… at all… everyone was jumping up and going “YEAH!” at certain points (They may not have been, I may have hallucinated through boredom a bit) and I didn’t really understand why… the weirder thing was, it was a Greek Bar… but an English match (Man Utd v Newcastle)

So yeah, do not understand sports…

Plus, you may have noticed the sudden better way of drawing things 😀 I am learning to draw at last (shame it’s a year after finishing my art GCSE, eh?)

Physics 2

The return of the burden. So now that I have A levels and I’m too lazy to try and do my physics revision for the test tomorrow…. well, WELCOME TO THE RESULT! Yes, a new comic…. if you can call it that. Who knows, seeing as it only takes about 5-10 mins on I may start doing more…. for no one to read.

Knock First

So no one in my family knocks first, maybe this on my door will help, I doubt it…

Fable II

So, I finally got round to finishing Fable II. To be honest, a bit of a let down. I’m know known as King cause I’m awesome, everyone hates me cause I’m evil and selfish but I can still charm the pants off of people with a few poses and a sock puppet show… I turned down the sex change… I might do a speed run but as a woman for lulz… after I get a few more achievements. I really cba the Gargoyles and silver keys, then the other achievements… either require xbox live… or to get the Gargoyles and silver keys (Completionist).

add to :: Add to Blinkslist :: add to furl :: Digg it :: add to ma.gnolia :: Stumble It! :: add to simpy :: seed the vine :: :: :: TailRank :: post to facebook

Sleepless nights

So over the easter holidays I thought it’d be a grand idea to go with no sleep for a week. Obviously this failed. I only got 90 hours. I was mostly staying awake from sugar products… so eventually I feared diabetes and gave in…

add to :: Add to Blinkslist :: add to furl :: Digg it :: add to ma.gnolia :: Stumble It! :: add to simpy :: seed the vine :: :: :: TailRank :: post to facebook


See how this was horrible? My pen stopped working over and over… so it is all SUPER sketchy… so… feel free to get me a tablet and some decent software for my birthday (August 3rd)

So, some of you may know my general dislike for my mother… and then the reason probably never got over well… here is why… she is boring… (panel 1) talks over people (panel 2 and 3) only talks about maple (panel 3) and in meal times (and only meal times) coughs a lot, and hard, without covering her mouth… (panel 4). So know you know….

Stupid Work

This wans’t that good, but at the time my pen was being HORRIBLE and kinda sucky… Times like this I wish I had a tablet… and maybe something better than Paint.NET instead of having to Biro over them… and then it failing and it looking horrible… like the next…

OH RIGHT, the meaning behind it… Over the half term (about ages ago) I was given a load of work to do… I left it all to the last second. This then meant that from… some Sunday in May, till the end of May I played no maple story… I think it was like two weeks, just all work…

Colourful DT girl

I got bored at school and coloured in this. I wonder what the main focus is…

Go here to see more detail.

Computer Troubles.

So, this is the beginning of my wonderful Easter Holiday… or jsut what happens with my computer in general. Odd, my hair has changed EVERY time I’ve done one of these, it is just MUCH more evident with this one… note, this is pencil… I never got a chance to pen it in… I think the hair is VERY big… a little TOO big…

OH LOOK! ADVANCED FEEDS! … maybe tomorrow….

The wonders of DT Girl.

So, to explain, Left to right: – Me, Ben, Ned, Max and DT Girl…


This is the painful result of not learning any physics. When you get round to revision, you need to learn it ALL.

An Average Media lesson

So here we have a normal Media lesson containing myself in the middle, one of my emo friends on the right and then the other person in my group that does no work…